The street was blocked off to let them set up music under a tent and just make it one big street party with a great cause in mind.
The lovely Maya was leaving with her lunch as I got there and very proud to be supporting Fatima.
Many people had gathered and it was early yet, very unusual for Belize and people to be early.
A lovely day to be chilling out and catching up with friends over a beer or two!
Jamilla hard at work doing what she does best! Taking the money and keeping the books straight.
Jamilla had been busy since the cook off Friday night helping her good friends with today.
Look at this young beautiful girl, it pulls at your heart to know what she is going through, thank goodness she has so much love in her life.
These women are one beautiful and strong group that are supporting each other in every way.I believe over $14000.00bz was raised today for Fatima which is a great start and help towards all the treatment she needs. Our next cook off is on the 16th October and will be pizza with all the proceeds going towards Fatima so come and join us!