So it's a holiday here in San Pedro Belize just for a change! This time however is for a great reason and time for Belize to celebrate their Independence, bit like the kick a Brit day on the 4
th of July so aptly named by Chris
We chose today to launch our very scrumptious doughnuts in
Lime which were just a dollar each and worth every single calorie, the diet starts on Tuesday this week!

So there sits JD and
Jimjam waiting? Noting the signs that we are smoke free between 8am-3pm and actually acknowledging this for once without being nagged by the girls!

What a happy bunch, or motley crew as Amanda
Syme posted on
face book the cheeky devil, it would have been if she had joined us! Am thinking all those smiles may be something to do with all the beers in ones hands-answers on a postcard!

Here she is the one and only
Coletacus (new nickname from Christine, great story on that one and another day). Is that the royal wave for Belize she is giving us?

Such a busy bee but a total female as shown by doing many tasks at once.

People kept joining the gang and fun on the
Lime balcony but some sat their ground and claimed their chairs.

Here we go people are heading past us to the starting point and there were some great flashes of colour.

Some lucky devils got a ride and were lucky enough to be cute enough to pose on the wagons.

Kiss my arse said
Colettacus as she heading to find the
judging point.

As can be seen and for those that know San Pedro and this area it was all a very tight and always going to have a wee bit of

Here they come it is official the parade has started and only about an hour late which is great for Belize!

Don't they look cute and fresh and so happy to be part of something so great.

Both side of the road were very busy, we were so on the right one as we had beer on tap.

Marie of
Ghecko Graphics on the right hand side was one of the official judges and chose
Lime Bar & Grill as her spot to do so.

We had a good crowd of locals and gringos and tourists all hanging out together.

Time to sharpen ones pencil and make notes on who and why were worthy of Marie's vote!

DJ Debbie was just fab and so energetic and loud, maybe I can have her job next year!

This is possibly my favourite shot of the whole day, these two were just adorable.

Wow how does miss San Pedro stay so slim after snacking on those chips, I eat them and couldn't get one thigh in that blue number!

Hello Adam young man, looking
very good today and very tall amongst his classmates.

Robbie and
Isobella really getting into the swing of things,
ummm Robbie why the cooler?

She's back and has obviously been up to some mischief otherwise how come all the freebies!

Parade over time to catch up with some of our good buddies, well Phil popped in to find his wife!

Very lovely picture and lovely to have these pair back from their trip to New Orleans, Craig and Tracey. Thank goodness she's back as now I can have some time
ooooffff again.

This picture sums up what we are all about here in San Pedro Belize. We have a great community and days like today pulls us all together to remember that and appreciate what we have. The parade was the best yet, people put a lot of effort into it the weather was totally on their side and it was good clean fun!
Laurie and Jim's smiles capture the tone of the whole day, here's to Belize for being what and who they are and here's to many more days celebrating cheers and
1 comment:
Thanks for your lovely posting. I really enjoyed it.
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