Christine was also in the land of nod before I crept in and caught her in that act of sleeping!
These lovely pair were sad to be leaving us especially on the day of our launch but they took a calendar back with them.
Jd announces that anyone can pull a draft beer and proceeds to show how easy it is!
Check out that serious face.
Looks like a fair bit of head to me!
A wee bit proud of himself or what?
Tracey aka Monica floating up the Scooby Doo box with change ready for the onslaught.
These lovely pair are guests up at Reef Village here on an exchange and proved to their husbands just how full of hot air they are!
Not one to be left out and for sure someone else full of gas I joined in.
Bless this new member of Lime and the reason we now say what's hot what's not ask the gang at Lime now, Victor one to pitch in also.Come on matey stop slacking.
Tracey trying to rent out golf carts with all this going on, don't people know we are fundraising for the animals today and not selling anything in Lime!
You can't have enough balloons as victor is now realising.
Jd put himself in charge of clear up out the front of Lime bless him. It was noted that he looked good with a broom and maybe should be invited to join WISP!
This superstar Beth Hart named herself the banger bitch at the end of the day as she was rolling out those hot dogs fast and furious. Bangers are the term for the British sausages that we have managed to get a hold of.Time for a quick cheers and pat on the back for getting this place ready and looking so cute. Beth and Christine are such prominent members of FOTHS and have always supported every fund raiser we have done this year. They never tire of my ideas and getting roped into things, well at least they never say!
This little kitten was found early this morning and brought in by our local lads, happy ending as she was adopted by lunchtime. Cassidy is a total animal lover and looking more glam than ever after her new haircut by Christine.
Marie and Ella after doing the green cross code and making is safely while Phil parks the buggie.
Not one to be late she came bursting into Lime to see what was needed to be done before she grabbed a beer.
Ella went straight to the treat drawer and waited till one of us gave her a cookie lady dog biscuit.
Check out this other beauty with her new haircut by yes non other than Christine who is giving the women of San Pedro complete new styles.This calendar lovely is January and for the record is number one in my book also after her non stop energy on Sunday. She wrote in every one that was put in front of her a lovely quirky and individual message. Great to meet and get to know new people in this wee island of ours.
Some more glamour on the next table, Jo who thought she could hide in the bar and Colette who was trying to hide behind sunglasses!
Umm an empty table because the Pedro gang were very late and both on Belizean time, next event will tell them it starts at 10.00am!
Star the owner of Moondancer and sundancer in town is a huge supporter of Saga and Lime and a very good friend of Christine. She adds to the glamour and vibrance of any event.
Another active FOTHS member Denise Lee was on hand to help where needed.
Helda and Isobella dropped by to get their calendar and have us all sign it, very happy to be here by the looks of those smiles.It wouldn't be an event without Jo and the megaphone which he loves to be in charge of.
More hot dogs and burgers, this is a new acquisition to Lime and we are thinking it will be very popular, especially the chilli dogs.
Check out that smile, our Cinders still as bubbly as always and always ready with that cheeky grin.Naomi, looking like a little princess, well she is one true?
Tammy from Hummingbird bought 5 calendars and kept us all busy signing them for her.
Tracey came through from the bar side to see what was going on in the tour side, busy busy busy everywhere in Lime today like all other fund raising days.Christine whizzing around keeping us all on our toes.
Jo taking five and hanging out with the calendar girls in Lime.Something for everyone today, he spotted a spider man kite that uncle Jim has to win for him.
Chris Burkey with his daughter Maddison and the lovely Melody pose for a picture.
The bar was very full and unfortuneatly with that amount of people very hot today-oh well you just have to drink more!
Ruddy having a cheeky moment with Christine, I think she told him he needed a haircut!
Two cuties
Four very happy campers-well calendar girls anyhow.
Face painting by Melody for the children who came to support Saga and the animals of San Pedro.
Christine was non stop with selling calendars and raffle tickets which the local lads like Alex helped with.
10 out of 13 isn't bad and one more turned up later so we did well to get this many of us together at one time.
Actione shot of Ruth Verrales and Chris Burkey eating as always!
Laurie aka Tacogirl was blogging on sight, far better than me as here I am nearly a week later but I do have a job I guess "in my defense"!!
Kathy from Saga and the Ambergris Daily gang checking out the calendar.Jo looking up for inspiration as to what to say next.
She looks so like a school teacher as she had her desk just right all day long and kept the raffle seperate from the calendar sales bless.
Amy Knox from Wild Mangoes looking very glam out of an apron, another huge supporter of Saga.
These are Amy's two little ones growing up very quickly.
People gave the boys their raffle tickets so they were very keen for us to draw it.
As always there was a crowd out in the smoking room.
This is one of my favourite strays and lived at the beach near Banyan Bay until this lucky day as she got adopted.
The mayor and Miss World Belize came and graced us with their presence which was very special and we were all thrilled as were they.
Is she cute or what, good luck young lady.
Things were winding down on the sales side but we were very happy with the turnout and sales made on the day. Over $3000.00 is going into the isolation unit account tomorrow.
These ladies had been doing a shot or two and even got the mayor doing slippery nipples!
Dorian in the thick of things
Three tired but happy girlies
Our very good friend and supporter Jimjam
Walter was feeling no pain after doing shots with the girls all afternoon-bless him.
The mayor was happy to receive her signed calendar from all of us, cheers chucky from the gang in Lime.
All the best parties are out on the step
Colette is so shy eh?
Matt and Jo with those model smiles
This young man won a prize or two
All very tired but extremely happy, well done gang we did good!
That Jo pops up everywhere and to think she is so camera shy!
Colette being very silly but it is late and she has had at least two sodas!
This is classic as Maya is the photographer along with Colette responsible for the fantastic calendar, check out her pose!Time for one last beer before we call it a night
One very tired but seriously happy Sharon B otherwise known as Boydie, Shazza, Bridget of Belize and many unprintable names.It had been a crazy few days leading up to this and I can honestly say it has been worth it as I know we are helping the animals of San pedro one step at a time. Thank you so much for all the support both financially and phsyically, we have a lot of fun and helping great causes along the way cheers and TTFN.
Friday, October 9, 2009
THE Calendar launch
Sunday the 4th October came at us which had been long awaited for as we want that calendar out there and selling!
For those that know me well and get my emails at many crazy hours of the morning, would know that when Sharon is up and on a mission everyone should be! Karen just before she got Jackie thrown on her!
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Fabulous darling!
Good times
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