Saturday, May 31, 2008

A trip up north of the island

I have some friends staying with me for a couple of weeks so we took the dogs for a run up north of San Pedro a couple of days ago. We took a few pictures along the way thanks to the loan of Cindys camera as mine is out of action.

A quick stop for the dogs to run around, this is Molly Cindy's dog with Rebecca from England.

Not sure why that sign is there as not exactly a busy spot but hey it's Belize!!

All the dogs running around in Tres Cocos which is such a pretty place with all the flowers right now. Please don't ask what they are as I have no clue and hate to lie!!

I love this sign as it makes me smile each and every time I see it, even you non-dog lovers out there have to admit you don't see signs like this every day, quite unbelizeable!!

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