It is that time of the month and the last one of the year, Friday saw the best of the best go up against each other for our final cook off of 2009.

Any chance of a party and our Victor is there with his talent of decorating the place with balloons.

These two from
Portofino were the first to arrive as they had to prepare their dish as it needed stacking.

The lovely
Jamilla who was the winner of the curry cook off, I wonder what is in her dish tonight?

This is the entry from
Portofino, looked like there was going to be enough to go around, you would think eh? We tell everyone enough for 60 people as you never know how many people will come to support us.

This dish is a local favourite and was the entry from El
Fogon who were the winners of the pizza cook off.

Here we have the garlic shrimp with ginger rice which was Lime's entry this time. Lime have placed 2
nd and 3rd a few times throughout the year and this is a weekly special that is liked by many so who knows will we win it?

Dalgarno aka Madame gave us a bit of a challenge with her entry this time as it looked so lovely but we had to make it bite size. Her main dish had whole pieces of chicken in it which is great for the taster but not so much for the server, bless Beth she did an amazing job.

Maureen has entered a dish every time and won the Seafood one last month, this dish looks to be a strong contender.

Beth sliced up one of Maureen's dishes but left the other one whole for show. All that food to taste for just $10
bz is it any wonder that these monthly events have become so popular.

Legend's the new burger joint on the island put in a dish of corn dogs for us all to try. They were previously Sweet Basil, same location same owners new look and menu-a must try while up north of the bridge!

Sushi Sharon who won the very first cook off which was the
chilli one did a mussel dish.

The ladies from the very local restaurant El
Fogon with their local dish.

A close up of
Portofino's to make your mouth water a bit more, all this food, hungry yet?

Look at this lovely entry, it is a curry dish so you get one guess as to who it was from?

These two were both entered from the same place, the Blue Iguana which is the newest restaurant on San Pedro and above Crazy
Cannucks beach bar. One dish was grouper and the other was a spicy
shrinp which are both on their menu, good food, good location and great people. They hadn't entered before but are big animal lovers and wanted to help raise money and their profile so a win win in our book!

Always shy when there is a camera around, myself and Christine, great friend, fantastic hairdresser and active member of
FOTHS. (Friends Of The Humane Society)

We learnt the hard way that it is best for us to serve otherwise the food runs out in a short time, now it is only a mouthful of each dish and not a whole bloody plate!

Great to see some new faces this time, Kate from Sew What and Marilyn from
Tres Cocos came nice and early and liked the fact that it is no smoking while there is food being served.

People were coming at us fast and furious and keen to try all the
scrummy dishes on offer.

These ladies thought they were out to have a nice relaxing evening and then got roped into helping serve. We are blessed to have such good people in our community, poor buggers never got to taste hardly any of the dishes!
A huge thanks to them all, Tracey, Beth, Jamilla and Christine, lots of wagging tails go to you all and sloppy kisses!

Someone is getting into the spirit of Christmas, Tanya looks good in whatever she wears.

Melody is one of our biggest foodies on the island and was mad that she missed the last one so we made sure she knew about tonight. Always good to have some glamour in the room also.

Full swing, once we said we are good to go they were there all the way out the door.

Check out
Jamilla's smile under pressure she still shines.

Check out Melody's face in the
back round!
Jimjam just like his wife, always a smile plastered on that face, love him!

Two lovely visitors to the island who saw that this was a fundraiser for Saga Humane Society, which we all know is run for love and not money. San Pedro seems to bring out the best in people and when they know it is a benefit for our strays they are keen to help.

Gerry is so shy, I was lucky to get this shot.

Another cutie, Dorian is always present at these events along with his gang.

These ladies are used to being on the end of a camera and not having their picture taken!
Legend made an appearance tonight and was full of beans.

People had eaten and were waiting for the results, time to have an adult

Tracey got to sit down now and have cocktail with our Friday night crowd.
As always the party goes on outside, plus they can all smoke here. Check out our sign cheeky eh!
Helda and Mary strike a pose.

Poor Beth made a start on counting the votes and this proved to be the closest one yet! Three way tie breaker between,
Portofino, El
Fogon and Lime! What are we to do?

One goes into the bar and shouts to everyone about placing their votes! We had 68 votes counted but from the money taken we know over 70 people paid to taste so lets find those that haven't voted yet!

The winner is? They are about to get a bottle of Black Label to celebrate with.

Here we have it the Portofino gang came out tops with their ham and honey glazed shrimp with pineapple salsa.

Joint second was El Fogon and Lime, each winning a $25bz voucher and a rum cake.

Time to socialise and have a beer or two, Grant who is on the Humane Society board and another avid Foths member didn't get to try all the dishes but was happy with what he did get.

Cassidy who is still loooking fresh after a busy few hours and lovely visitor to the island.

Colette and Maya, two other foodies love this lady's meals and are regular visitors to her restaurant.

Not sure what that face is about Mr Phil? Either something on the floor or Helda has mesmerised him!

That smile is still in place Mr Jim!

Ari another Saga Humane Society board member hanging out on a Friday night and happy to see that a chunk of money was raised to help us finish the Isolation Unit over at Fort Dog.

They can't be having that good of a time, someone must have said who has the biggest mouth?

Craig and his signature stance, where there is a camera there is usually Craig getting into the shot!

See he can be sweet and quiet!

JD was present throughout the evening but being very low key for once, by the looks of this shot it is soon time to go to night nights!

I can't remember this guys name but think he has moved here so will get it by the time he is in the next blog!

Come on ladies you know you like to pose and it will be blogged or face booked!

Simon gets his only kiss of the night according to Phil, cheeky bugger eh! Always good to have Ella in the bar after all the whole night was about the animals.

They cooked, they came, they tasted and they all helped to raise $750.00bz for the Humane Society. Once again a great night, fanatstic result and an evening spent with some really good people. The next one is to be a Lime theme as in any dish containing Lime and will be in January, date TBC.
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