UMmmm we are now starting week 8 of our healthy
regime and where are we right now? We didn't want to bore people by going on and reporting each week like we do the cocktail parties but we have been asked where we both are with out targets etc.
Poor Cindy was very tempted with
a lot of cheese and some nice wines over the weekend, well it was her birthday and what else can you buy here in San Pedro. I thought I was being nice to fill a basket with all the cheeses I could find and some crackers and leave it in my fridge for her whilst she was dog and house sitting!
I on the other hand went to stay with the ultra fit and healthy Karen in Belmopan and ate baked chicken and bran cereal!
Therefore when I weighed in yesterday I had lost 1.6kg last week which takes me up and
over 20lbs so far and well on my way to my target, hopefully before my trip at the end of Sept. Cindy on the other hand is weighing
herself today as she needed to lose a kilo overnight to get back on track and not to have gained!!!
Ummm I love it when a plan comes together and that pot of gold at the end is looking more like mine all the time.
Laura on the other hand hasn't been near a scale in 3 weeks as her mum is here from the mainland feeding her up a storm which will be a set back for her as mums food is good by all accounts.
Balti, bless him saw me yesterday and just gave praise to how we are doing as he was taken out on medical advice! I actually think the doctor said not too much strenuous
exercise not to eat all the cake in sight! Talking of cake it is Cindy's belated birthday on
Saturday on a Catamaran all day, I will have to see what can be done about a healthy cake!
Photos to follow shortly of a fun l
ittle cocktail party last night saying goodbye to the Field family who have been here for 3 weeks, always sad to see people leave but the quicker they go the quicker they will be back to see us to paradise!
P.S. Cindy here, and yes I did gain some weight, but only 200g which is not even 1/2lb. So that's not too bad for a boozy cheesy birthday week!