Monday, December 8, 2008

Tuesday's come around again and again and again!

Bless those Vandies from Colorado who make us meet them in that bad bar and get laid with Jagar stuff! Each year they come down loaded with hats and T-shirts and badges and furnish them on us to wear in our bar! So here you go a few shots from another memorable night with them. He looks just like a boy scout!

For some reason they love JD to bits and are drawn to seek him out whilst staying with us in Grand Colony, luckily we still hang out with him even though he defected to the other side!

Of course Pedro isn't one to miss out on a photo shoot or a chance to snuggle up to the women!

Time to pose everyone go on men smile!

Here are my very good friends also from the other side of the bridge Bern and Marilyn whom I have known since I was first on the island and staying up north. Bern loves it when we get Marilyn on the shots for some reason!

I gave mine up to JD so he has been laid twice this evening.

Cindy managed to snap the cheeky Charlie after the first shot and catch him out taking a sneeky peek!

We don't get enough of each other in work and still like each other out of it, yes it was cold last week for a day or two for us anyhow.

Here we go on those naughty little numbers, check me out I am drinking slippery nipples instead as they are much easier to digest. here's to another fab night spent with some great people!

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