The lovely Cindy was going on and on about her Crocs and how fab they were so off I popped into town to see about a pair for me. After realising Crocs made my feet look like boats I was about to give up when was presented with Switchflops! Now those of you out there that know me well, you will know that I am not your typical girlie girl, however since living here in Belize and only having to worry about matching flipflops with bags I seem to have become a bit of a co-ordinated person! This is how it works, you buy a pair which come with a set of tops already then you purchase other colours to go with them. Therefore you can pack to go on holiday with just one pair of flips and lots of tops! I swear to God that I am so excited about them and plan what colours I will wear to work each day whilst walking the dogs and deciding what mood I am in! A huge thank you to Cindy and the Caroline for buying me some for my birthday so now I have six tops and two bottoms!
I know it's sad but hey we live on an island and some things just really amuse us!
ha ha great post - I see you have deluscious switch flops
i love your feet...
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