Friday, July 11, 2008

Peaceful Fridays

This picture will be familiar to our guests at Banyan Bay and Grand Colony as it is the beach in front of the temporary dive shop. Temporary is a good word as it was to be for the period of five months but looks to be a bit longer, we are up to 8 so far. However saying that it will like everything else Cheffy Paz does by having the best dive shop on the island and as the saying goes some things are worth waiting for!
See the lovely Guatemalan people carrying and selling their wares, day in and out they walk the beach and gently approach people about buying what they have to sell. Their crafts are absolutely beautiful with so much work having gone into making them.
This picture, again thanks to Michael McGuire, really fits a Friday. It is mellow and laid back, a lot like our guests reflecting on their great week and getting ready to face their trip home tomorrow, back to a world a million miles away from Belize.

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