Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shout out!

This is a shout out to Peggy from Forrest, VA. I saw your message on the board and my heart goes out to you. My very good friend and partner in Crime is Cindy Vigna aka Muppet and I am Sharon Boyd aka Boydie. It is wonderful people like yourself that makes blogging worth while. It takes a heck of a lot of time but as we are so blessed with many people logging on daily and living the life here through us it pushes us on to keep it up to date.
As we all know taco girl is the queen of blogging for San Pedro and I have to thank her and taco boy for all their help setting mine up and the advice along the way. I doubt I will be as regular as her but between the two of us we try to bring some sunshine into an otherwise colder environment. Once again Peggy thank you for your support and we send it right back to you now more than ever.

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